Sunday, December 14, 2008

i found god on the corner of bloor and devonshire

It's been about a year and a half and I guess you're probably never going to talk to me again. Instead, you'll talk to all of my best friends, my exboyfriends, the people who inadvertently chose sides. You'll treat those other girls like you used to treat me. You'll ignore every single message I try to send you, and you'll keep me blocked on MSN. You'll (unintentionally) remind me every single day that I should have run after you and told you not to go and tried to work it out with you. You'll (unintentionally?) make me question if what you said was right--Maybe I should have looked right in front of me.

You'll act like you don't miss me, but I'm really hoping you still do.

You were my best friend for five years and we talked for five hours and yelled for five minutes and threw it all away in five seconds. Those years, those hours, those minutes boiled down to mere seconds and it was over a lot faster than it should have been. And it's hard to get something back from someone when they're resistant and distant and pretending to be nonexistent.

I still read that letter you wrote me the night before you left. I hope one day I'll start reading it less than I do, and I'll finally get on from this. If you're not coming back--absolutelyundernocircumstancesnotachanceinthewholeknownworld--I'm not going to wait forever just hoping that you do.

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