Thursday, February 26, 2009

like a puzzle.

“He-ey!” she said, slapping her hands on her knees and sitting up. She needed to derail her current train of thought. “Remember that day in Grade 11 Chemistry when we realized that we fit together like a puzzle?” He started laughing. “Stand up, stand up, stand up,” she urged, motioning for him to get off the bed.

They were both standing now. She took him by the shoulders and spun him around, taking heed of the IV attached to his arm. With his back now facing her, she turned around too, and pressed her back into his. His butt rested perfectly in the small of her back; her head between his shoulders, flanked by his angel bones. She could feel his soft laughter reverberate through his spine into hers. She pressed into him and he laughed harder. “Like a puzzle…” she whispered, smiling.