Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i want you to care.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i was looking at you there and your face looked wrong.

There will come a day when I see you on the streets of this city, and I will look right through you as if you are every other person I pass in my travels.

And I think that day is fast approaching.

Monday, January 26, 2009

fir-tree, moth-eaten, sun-burst.

It was the day before the first day of classes in the winter semester, first year, Mount Sinai Hospital, 600 University Avenue, eleventh floor, room 1121. She had walked cautiously through the sterile halls, feeling nervous as she approached his room. It was the first time she had seen him since she started University, and although they kept in touch while she was at school and she knew their dynamic would not have changed, this was an unfamiliar setting for their friendship. And it terrified her. Through her last year and a half of high school, she was aware of almost everything that was going on in Peter’s life, but no story, no description, no amount of words could have ever made his life as real to her as it was in those last few steps before she reached the door to his room.

Room 1121, eleventh floor, 600 University Avenue, Mount Sinai Hospital. Hospitals were places where people came to die.

It was something she had always believed, ever since she was a little girl. No one ever came back from the hospital—not for good, anyways. And as she stood around the corner from Peter’s room, she felt like a little girl again—scared of the unknown, unwilling to move until she was sure it was safe, and stuck in the notion that this place—these walls, these halls, these rooms—was a place of no return.

Monday, January 19, 2009

you're making it come alive.

I've finally come to realize that we are all the same
If there's nothing left to lose then there's every to gain
All the paragraphs and pages you could write could not contain
It is curious and careless and it's flowing through my veins

The fear of growing old, and doing what you're told

You can't disguise a heart while it's breaking
You hide behind the smile you're faking
It's all about the the chance you're taking
Oh, and you know that you're making it all come alive

If your life is so damn comfortable then why do you complain?
A reflection in the alcohol you're pouring down the drain
Just because you paint a picture doesn't mean it fits the frame
This is my West Coast intervention and I'm getting on that plane

When all of your mistakes are keeping you awake

The sun is setting and it's ending 'cause you're letting it go
Forgetting everything you already know
And it all goes to show that you're moving too slow
It will end up changing you, it will end up changing you

Life flies by so you have to embrace it
Forget the past 'cause you can't out-race it
So live the dream, and learn to chase it
And when you can almost taste it
It's all come alive

- my favourite highway, "you're making it come alive."

Sunday, January 18, 2009

requiem for a dream

new word:
magnanimous: courageously noble in mind and heart.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

no love, no hope, no glory--no happy ending.

old word, new meaning:
disappoint: To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of.